Why invest in SEO and why it is important?

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Image of Michaël Veillette from m7b5 Digital

Michaël from m7b5 Digital

Blog section Nov. 13 2020

It's a long-term job, it takes patience and hard work. Your company needs SEO, it needs SEO. This article explains everything about the importance of SEO for your website.

Importance of SEO, long-term strategy

SEO is a long-term strategy. It will bring you sustainable results over the long term. SEO will have a significant impact on your business.
You have probably asked yourself the following question: "How long will it take me to be ranked No. 1 on my keywords? I've seen many business owners and companies start doing SEO and after a month or two they just give up and say "SEO doesn't work" or "we didn't get the results we needed to justify the cost".

If you are launching a new website, it is important to know that you will get results in about 6 to 12 months. Primo-Mate explains all the steps of SEO is this Free SEO Course, check it out.

This may seem like a long time for some, but if the optimization of your site is done correctly, your website will stay on the SERPs for a long time. The impact is important for small businesses that are struggling to break through.

SEO, impact for your business in the long term

If you have a business, you know how important it is to keep your customers and find new prospects. The visibility of your company on the Internet is a major asset to obtain commercial results. SEO can help you by offering you visibility in Google's results pages and by extension by increasing your sales. But to get results, it is necessary to invest time and money.

There are many factors to consider when thinking about SEO. You need expertise and a workable plan to make your SEO a success.

Your return on investment will be significant

SEO brings an excellent return on investment if you have a healthy budget and a continuous process. Don't set yourself unattainable goals at the outset. Plan a job, a budget for 6 to 12 months, that's the time you need to plan. You will be disappointed with the results and feel like you have thrown your money away.

An investment in SEO is an investment in the future of your business. A long term plan will bring you a return on investment, because SEO is an online marketing strategy with one of the best returns on investment.

It is difficult to calculate the return on investment, but you have many analyses that you can monitor and evaluate to achieve your goals. Still, organic search engine optimization (SEO) is far more powerful than other online marketing tactics, and stronger than paid search ads. SEO is about 5.66 times better than paid search.

Organic search is often the main source of traffic.

Organic search is responsible for a large part of a website's traffic.

According to BrightEdge, 51% of all website traffic comes from natural search, only 10% from paid search, 5% from social network search and 34% from all other sources.

Visibility is an important asset and Google has a significantly higher market share than its competitors such as Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, DuckDuckGo, etc.


SEO is cheaper than paid ads

Natural SEO is cheaper in the long term. Why is it cheaper? Concerning natural referencing, you have to invest more money in the first phase but the results appear on the long term and they are, above all, sustainable over time.

Compared to paid referencing. The latter is paid monthly. If you stop paying, traffic dries up. As long as you continue to pay, you have results, but in the long term you will have invested more money.

SEO converts more efficiently in the long run, paid referencing has faster results but it is not sustainable and more expensive. Many website owners do not invest in SEO, they prefer paid search engine optimization.

In fact the two methods are complementary.

Get more customers with local SEO

If we're talking about why you need to invest in SEO, local optimization, local SEO should be on the list. Due to the increase in mobile and voice searches, local SEO has begun to dominate SEO trends. Now it has become almost mandatory.

Local search on maps helps the user to have more confidence and to know more about your business. It can locate you quickly.

Google My Business is a great way to start your local SEO process. You can add NAP information (name, address, phone), connect your website, associate a social account, add images and much more. You can use SEO for your blog, your business site.

Search for geolocated keywords to include in your articles, as well as to improve your ranking by targeting top positions in Google.

To learn more about SEO, visit Primo-mate.


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